Regain, Inc.
44 Years of Service Excellence 1977-2021

Vocational Expert Services

Vocational Expert Services

Established in 1977, Regain is one of the most highly respected providers of vocational evaluation services in California. Regain’s vocational experts provide thorough, objective vocational evaluations for individuals involved in the divorce process, and qualify under the criteria as defined in Family Code Section §4331. Each of our vocational experts possesses a master’s degree in a behavioral science, and have experience in interviewing clients and assessing their marketable skills. Our experts also have knowledge of the current employment market, familiarity with available educational and training programs, and years of experience determining current and future wage earning capacity. Our vocational evaluators have qualified as experts in most Southern California courts, and have earned excellent reputations. In addition to the Southern California area, our experts have conducted evaluations in other U.S. states, Mexico, and as far away as Australia.
Dave Lane

David Laine, M.R.C., CRC, CCM
CRC (Board Certified Rehabilitation Counselor)
CCM (Board Certified Case Manager)
Member – American Board of Vocational Experts

The Evaluation Process

The vocational evaluation process begins with a meeting. We sit down with the petitioner or respondent to obtain pertinent:

• Work History
• Educational History
• Social & Family Circumstances
• Health
• Interests
• Goals
• Job Search Activity

We will then conduct a transferable skills analysis (TSA) to identify alternative occupations to leverage skills and abilities gained from former employment.

Labor Market/Wage Earning Capacity Research

When a complete vocational evaluation is not required, we will conduct labor market/wage-earning capacity research without meeting with the petitioner or respondent. Our research team will review client-supplied materials and administer direct telephone contact with employers and placement professionals. We’ll then generate a report that includes a summary of the research results, and follow up with an expert’s opinion on the individual’s employability and wage-earning capacity.

Expert Witness Testimony

Our vocational experts can provide qualified opinions on vocational matters in both depositions and courtroom testimony upon request. As members of the American Board of Vocational Experts, Regain’s team is well-versed on the importance of courtroom testimony. After hundreds of hours of experience, we’ve developed a reputation as clear, concise, and objective expert witnesses.

If you require more information on our Vocational Expert Services, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or fill out our downloadable or online referral form.