Regain, Inc.
44 Years of Service Excellence 1977-2021

Ergonomic Services

Ergonomic Services

The goal of ergonomics is to adapt the work environment and the physical mechanics of a job to the needs and restrictions of the worker.
Recent years have seen a rise in the number of Workers’ Compensation claims due to Repetitive Motion Injuries (RMI). These injuries occur as a result of employees repeating the same job tasks for prolonged periods of time. The high cost of Workers’ Compensation claims, plus the loss of worker productivity due to RMI’s, makes it vitally important for employers to initiate measures to prevent these injuries. A moderate investment in ergonomic modifications in the workplace can save thousands of dollars in claim costs and lost productivity.
Two Business Workers Sitting in Proper Posture
Regain’s Ergonomic Consultants focus on improving workstation efficiency and comfort, with the goal of increasing job satisfaction and productivity. By conducting workstation assessments, our Consultants determine the workplace risks, then make recommendations for improvements that will help relieve the physical strain of performing an employee’s job duties. Some of our recommendations involve the provision of ergonomic tools and equipment that can assist an employee in maintaining their productivity while lowering the risk of acquiring or exacerbating a work-related injury. We also provide instruction to employers and employees on proper posture and body mechanics that will lessen the risk of injury. We have researched and tested hundreds of ergonomic items to determine which will provide the best solution for the needs of injured workers. Additionally, we provide ergonomic exercise training to employees to help them cope with their injuries.
Young Male Sitting in Correct Posture While Working

For more information and an evaluation, please fill out our downloadable form or give us a call!