Regain, Inc.
44 Years of Service Excellence 1977-2021

Career Counseling

Career Counseling

From our years of experience, we have found that career counseling services are most effective when tailored to an individual’s unique needs. Some people require job placement assistance, while others need career identification and planning. Whatever your situation, career counseling in Santa Ana, CA, can provide the guidance needed to set you on the right path.

Standard Career Counseling Package

The Regain standard career counseling package includes three to four meetings as necessary. They will occur over three weeks to three months, depending on individual needs. To ensure the best career outcome, we’ll conduct additional work and research between meetings (at no extra cost). We may also assign “homework” that can help the career decision-making process.

Career counseling meetings typically involve selected activities, which can include:

• Information Gathering
  (work history, educational

  background, hobbies, and


• Resume & Cover Letter


• Review of Training Options

• Internet Job Search Instruction

• Interview Preparation

• Transferrable Skills Analysis

• Short/Long Term Goal Exploration

• Vocational Testing
  (including interpretation of 

  test results)

• Job Log Preparation

• Counseling & Support

Return-To-Work Plan

After a final meeting (if requested), the Career Counselor will prepare a return-to-work plan that may include:

• Current Wage-Earning


• Test Results

• Recommended Occupations

• Training Options
• Timelines

• Final Career Counseling 

For individuals experiencing divorce, this report can be a valuable tool during mediation and settlement discussions.

For further information about our career counseling services or to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us.